Playbill: Catching Up With Actors' Equity Association Executive Director Alvin Vincent, Jr.

It's a heady time to be at Actors' Equity Association, the union that counts Broadway actors and stage managers (along with professional performers nationwide) amongst its membership.

After narrowly avoiding strikes while negotiating on new Broadway and national touring contracts, the union finds itself again at odds with theatrical producers via The Broadway League, this time over the Development Agreement that governs pre-production work for plays and musicals on their way to the stage. The Union was forced to put all new development work on pause last month after a breakdown in negotiations, a move that puts a lot of question marks around new shows trying to make their way to the Main Stem. (Don't panic—as The Broadway League said in a response statement, "these negotiations have no impact on current Broadway and touring productions or those opening this season." In other words, there's still time.)